Women's day speech
I Mostly welcome to respected chief guest[..............] here presented all well known personalities.
Myself [..........] first of all I wish you very happy INTERNATIONAL WOMEN DAY.
Thank you all for attending the International Women’s Day celebration. This year we are thrilled to have you join us in supporting and celebrating this day.
As everyone knows International Women's Day is a major day of global celebration for the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future.
Acknowledging the contributions of local women is essential to realize true equality and respect in our homes, our workplaces, and in New Brunswick society as a whole.
It is a day in which women from around the world unite in thoughts, prayers, struggles, hopes and dreams. Women’s accomplishments in education, business, science, art, medicine, public service, athletics, and every other field have made our world better and stronger.
Today, we celebrate the women in our lives. They are the cornerstones of our communities working tirelessly and making countless differences in the lives of those around them
Today, we unite to make the women of the past proud, the women of the present inspired, and provide the women of the future with vision
We gather to honour the legacy of those women who have gone before us, whether celebrated or anonymous, who have contributed so much to the strength and spirit of our province as a whole. We recognize those women who are our teachers, coaches, mentors, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and sisters who are helping the next generation achieve their goals. International Women’s Day celebrations such as this one are not only important as an opportunity to reflect on the accomplishments of women, but also to create a connection, a spiritual network with all women around the globe through empathy, understanding, solidarity, and action.
Being a woman myself, it really feels nice to have a special day for women too when they can be appreciated and honoured. But I feel that woman should be respected not just because they are women, but also because they are individuals with their own identity. They contribute equally to the betterment of the society. If I can be little biased then I would say, if there is no woman on the earth then mankind would cease to exist because it’s a woman who brings life to this earth. Every woman is special whether she is working at home or office or doing both. She plays an important role in the upbringing of children and managing their home efficiently.
On this day, huge sentiments are expressed about the power of women and many proverbs and poems directed towards women. It is really nice to have a special day for women where they are glorified to a point of being honored, awarded, and appreciated. Then why is that after so much awareness and acknowledgement of a woman’s contribution to life ,society, family and work; saluting her strength, resilience, sacrifice she still is considered only second to men and treated like a second rate citizen ? This is because for generations, it has been ingrained among women that they are not capable of doing most things. Women empowerment lies in honoring yourself and treating yourself with respect. “No one can put you down without your permission,”
How can we forget this , that even Our country INDIA speaks as BHARAT MATA , A Mother, a women who is nurturing us but very few understands this even in our own country. there are still headlines coming on newspapers daily how women are abusing , harassing ,and suffering in home violence , work place . how they are suffering in narrow mindedness of male dominant society.
Well i am glad to know about the change coming in human mentality since few year. today womens moves together with man in every field. where the girls are getting married in there early age today they are getting inspired for education. where the girls like MALALA fight with whole pakistan for education and girls like AVANI CHATURVEDI contributing in defence sector of our country.
but there are still many places , many people due to there narrow thinking the conditions of women is worst critical. TODAY there is a need to change that stereotype thinking So the women of country can be safe, can grow, and to be heard equally.
Today’s most of womans are no longer a dependent soul; She is self-reliant and Independent in every aspect and are capable of doing everything equal to men. We have to respect women not because of the gender, but for their own identity. We have to accept that both men and women contribute equally to the betterment of the home and society. It is the woman who brings life. Every women is special, no matter where she works – at home or in office. She is making a difference to the world around her, and most importantly, plays a major role in upbringing children and building a home. It is our responsibility to appreciate and honor the woman who are making success in their life and bringing success into the life of other women and those around her. It feels nice to have a day to celebrate women.
So, on this International women’s day, let’s recognize the importance of women in our lives and to the society and motivate them for greater future achievements.
Thank you
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